Table 1

Demographics and characteristics of study population and time to operating room

Age, median (IQR)63 (49–73)
Sex, female, n (%)617 (51.5)
Frailty, n (%)523 (43.7)
SOFA score, median (IQR)1 (1–3)
Initial HR, median (IQR)90 (75–103)
Initial white cell count, median (IQR)9.6 (7–13.3)
SBP low, median (IQR)83 (74–92)
Temperature high, median (IQR)37.11 (36.83)
Temperature low, median (IQR)35.4 (34–36)
RR high, median (IQR)26 (22–32)
Laparotomy, n (%)615 (51.4)
Transfer, n (%)384 (32.1)
Sepsis, n (%)190 (15.9)
Ventilator, n (%)65 (5.4)
EGS diagnosis, n (%)
 Incarcerated hernia218 (21.2)
 Volvulus25 (2.4)
 Toxic Clostridium difficile42 (4.1)
 Perforated SB96 (9.3)
 Ischemic bowel75 (7.3)
 NSTI171 (16.6)
 Perforated LB99 (9.6)
 Bowel obstruction59 (5.7)
 Surgical rescue148 (14.4)
In-hospital mortality, n (%)75 (6.27)
30-day mortality, n (%)87 (7.27)
  • EGS, emergency general surgery; HR, heart rate; LB, large bowel; NSTI, Necrotizing soft tissue infection; RR, respiratory rate; SB, small bowel; SBP, systolic blood pressure; SOFA, Sequential Organ Failure Assessment.