Table 1

Demographic, injury, and VTE risk factors by chemoprophylaxis regimen

sCPsCP+ATotalP value
(n=8646)(n=1886)(n=10,532)(sCP vs sCP+A)
Age (years)*42 (27, 59)56 (35, 72)44 (28, 62)<0.001
Sex (% male)5879 (68)1264 (67)7143 (68)0.21
Mechanism (% blunt)7695 (89)1697 (90)9392 (89)0.17
Admission GCS score15 (14, 15)15 (14, 15)15 (14, 15)0.18
Morbid obesity (%)*2009 (23)491 (26)2500 (24)0.03
ISS*11 (9, 18)13 (9, 21)12 (9, 19)<0.001
Lower extremity fracture (%)*2013 (23)472 (25)2485 (24)0.10
Length of stay (days)5 (3, 10)10 (5, 18)6 (3, 11)<0.001
Ventilator (days)0 (0, 0)0 (0, 1)0 (0, 0)<0.001
Prolonged ventilation (%)*865 (10)296 (16)1161 (11)<0.001
TESS4 (2, 5)4 (2, 6)4 (2, 5)<0.001
Admission TEG maximum amplitude64 (59, 68)64 (59, 68)64 (59, 68)0.81
Admission TEG maximum amplitude >65 (%)3692 (43)868 (46)4560 (43)0.11
Admission TEG maximum amplitude >72 (%)830 (10)202 (11)1010 (10)0.42
Preadmission anticoagulant or antiplatelet therapy (%)338 (4)217 (12)555 (5)< 0.001
 Heparinoid (any dose) (%)
 Antiplatelet (%)27.22.9< 0.001
 Vitamin K antagonist (%)< 0.001
 Direct Xa inhibitor (%)
 Direct thrombin inhibitor (%)
Other risk factors (%)
 Operation >2 hours3248 (38)971 (52)4219 (40)< 0.001
 Central venous line799 (9)744 (22)1210 (12)<0.001
 Major venous injury/repair222 (3)123 (7)345 (3)<0.001
 Blood products, >4 units614 (7)212 (11)826 (8)< 0.001
 IVC filter placement222 (3)123 (7)345 (3)< 0.001
 Spine fracture2326 (27)597 (32)2923 (28)< 0.001
 Spinal cord injury136 (2)43 (2)179 (2)0.03
 Pelvis fracture1150 (13)250 (13)1400 (13)0.88
 Cardiovascular disease2561 (30)935 (50)3496 (33)< 0.001
COPD193 (2)87 (5)280 (3)< 0.001
 Smoker1989 (23)343 (18)2332 (22)< 0.001
 Malignancy (active or history of)53 (0.6)14 (0.7)67 (0.6)0.52
  • Risk factors for VTE in patients with standard chemoprophylaxis compared with patients with adjunctive aspirin. All values are reported as raw numbers with percentages as indicated or median values with associated interquartile ranges.

  • Morbid obesity defined as body mass index of greater than 35 kg/m2.

  • Heparinoid includes unfractionated heparin or low molecular weight heparin.

  • *Included in TESS.

  • COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ISS, Injury Severity Score; IVC, Inferior Vena Cava; sCP, standard chemoprophylaxis; TEG, thromboelastography; TESS, Trauma Embolic Scoring System. A TESS of 6 or higher is predictive of a higher risk of VTE; VTE, venous thromboembolism.