Table 1

Characteristics of the patients according to incidence of delirium

VariablesDelirium (n=19)Non-delirium (n=68)
Age (years)41.47±18.8443.79±17.07
Weight (kg)72.63±12.2872.68±11.77
Height (cm)167.16±8.17165.88±6.54
BMI (kg/m2)25.91±3.3626.36±3.63
 Male14 (73.7%)54 (79.4%)
 Female5 (26.3%)14 (20.6%)
Comorbid14 (73.7%)36 (52.9%)
 Hypertension4 (21.1%)26 (38.2%)
 Diabetic mellitus3 (15.8%)14 (20.6%)
 IHD3 (15.8%)4 (5.9%)
 COPD10 (52.6%)3 (4.4%)
 Others3 (15.8%)16 (23.5%)
Surgical procedure
 Neurosurgical5 (17.2%)24 (82.8%)
 Gynecological0 (0%)4 (100%)
 General13 (28.3%)33 (71.7%)
 Others1 (12.5%)7 (87.5%)
APACHE II*18 (15–22)18 (16–20)
Length of ICU stay (days)*8 (5–12)5 (3–8)
Length of hospital stay (days)*21 (11–26)13 (8–21)
  • Data are presented as n (%), mean±SD.

  • *Median (25th−75th percentile).

  • APACHE II, acute physiology and chronic health evaluation II; BMI, body mass index; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; ICU, intensive care unit; IHD, ischemic heart disease.