Table 2

Outcomes data for BCVI and non-BCVI stroke

BCVI stroke
Median, N (%)
Non-BCVI stroke
Median, N (%)
P value
Hospital LOS (days)14 (7 to 20)12 (6 to 20)0.85
ICU LOS (days)7 (4 to 10)3 (1 to 13)0.29
Ventilator days4 (0 to 7)1 (0 to 7)0.31
Mortality8 (38.1%)17 (21.8%)0.16
 % death due to stroke75%52.9%0.26
NIHSS*10 (2 to 23)11 (2 to 22)0.082
Operation with general anesthesia17 (81%)41 (52.6%)
Time (h)
 ED arrival to BCVI diagnosis (h)1.4 (1 to 3.6)n/a
 Diagnosis to BCVI treatment (h)15 (4.3 to 30.6)n/a
 ED arrival to BCVI treatment (h)18.2 (6.5 to 36)n/a
 BCVI diagnosis to stroke (h)24 (0 to 90)n/a
 ED arrival to stroke (h)44 (6.5 to 92.3)47.3 (7.4 to 120)0.53
Discharge disposition0.032
Dead8 (38.1%)17 (21.8%)
 Home2 (9.5%)14 (17.9%)
 Rehabilitation7 (33.3%)8 (10.3%)
 SNF/LTAC†3 (14.3%)30 (38.5%)
Hospice1 (4.8%)8 (10.3%)
 Other0 (0%)1 (1.3%)
  • Summary statistics for continuous variables are median and IQR. Associations between characteristics and type of stroke were evaluated by using Wilcoxon rank-sum test for continuous variables and Fisher’s exact test for categorical variables. Wald test was used for comparing mortality rates of two types of stroke.

  • *National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale.

  • †Skilled nursing facility (SNF) and long-term acute care facility (LTAC) values in parentheses without % are quartiles.

  • ED, emergency department; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay; n/a, not available.