Table 1

Five pillars Decade of Action for Global Road Safety (DoARS) matrix (abridged),2 2011–2016, Qatar

ActivityPillar 1: Road safety management (6/6])Pillar 2: Safer roads and mobility (5/5)Pillar 3: Safer vehicles (0/7)Pillar 4: Safer road users (5/8)Pillar 5: Postcrash response (6/7)
1 Adhere to and/or fully implement the major UN road safety related agreements and conventions10 Promote road safety ownership and accountability10 13 16 18 Apply UN motor vehicle safety regulations Road safety awareness and social marketing campaigns22–24 Develop prehospital care systems31
2 Establish a lead agency12 13 Promoting the needs of all road users16 18 Use new car assessment programme Speed limits and rules25 26 Develop hospital trauma care systems32 33
3 Develop a national strategy10 14 Safe operation, maintenance and improvement of existing road infrastructure10 16 18 New motor vehicles are equipped with seat belts and anchorages Drink–driving laws and evidence-based standards and rules27 28 Provide early rehabilitation and support to injured patients34
4 Set realistic and long-term targets based on national traffic crash data10 15 Promote the development of safe new infrastructure
16 18
Universal deployment of Electronic Stability Control and Anti-Lock Braking Systems Standards and rules for motorcycle helmets29 Establishment of appropriate road user insurance schemes28
5 Ensure that funding is sufficient for activities10 16 Encourage capacity building and knowledge transfer19 20 Incentivize motor vehicles that provide high levels of road user protection Standards and rules for seat belts and child restraints to reduce crash injuries. Crash investigation and an effective legal response to road deaths and injuries35 36
6 Establish and support data systems15 17 Encourage research and development in safer roads and mobility19 21 Pedestrian protection regulations and safety technologies Standards and rules for commercial freight and transport vehicles, and other public and private vehicle fleets30 Encouragement and incentives for employers to hire and retain people with disabilities.
7 Fleets with vehicles that offer advanced safety technologies and high levels of occupant protection. Policies and practices to reduce work-related road traffic injuries in the public, private and informal sectors Encourage research and development into improving postcrash response37
8 Establishment of Graduated Driver Licensing systems for novice drivers.
DoARS compliance 100%100%0% 62% 86%
  • Traffic Department, Ministry of Interior, National Traffic Safety Committee, Ministry of Public Works, Ministry of Public Health and Hamad Medical Corporation.

  • Non-compliance with indicators is shown in italics. Compliance with indicators is shown in boldface.