Table 2

Comparison between survivors and non-survivors after propensity score matching

VariablesSurvivors (n=224)Non-survivors (n=96)P values
Age47.5 (34–59)52.5 (36–66.75)0.029
Sex, male144 (64.3)49 (51)0.026
SBP at admission110 (91.5–127)70 (0–97.75)<0.001
GCS at admission15 (13–15)3 (3–10]<0.001
Pelvic AIS4 (4–5)5 (4.25–5)<0.001
Head AIS0 (0–1)0 (0–4)<0.001
Thorax AIS2 (0–3)3 (0–4)<0.001
Abdomen AIS0 (0–3)2 (0–3)<0.001
ISS29 (25–38)43 (32.25–50)<0.001
Mechanism of injury0.156
 Traffic related119 (53.1)60 (62.5)
 Falls84 (37.5)32 (33.3)
 Other21 (9.4)4 (4.2)
Transfer, yes143 (63.8)38 (56.6)<0.001
Dataset, ATDB101 (45.1)59 (61.5)0.007
  • All continuous variables were shown as a median (IQR) and compared by Mann-Whitney U test.

  • All categorical variables were shown as a number (percentage) and compared by χ2 test.

  • AIS, Abbreviated Injury Scale; ATDB, Ajou Trauma Data Bank; GCS, Glasgow Coma Scale; ISS, Injury Severity Score; SBP, systolic blood pressure.