Table 1

Patient characteristics by patient cohort

VALID cohortACIT cohortGender study cohort
ARDS (n=78)No ARDS (n=315)pARDS (n=75)No ARDS (n=119)pARDS (n=105)No ARDS (n=85)p
Age (years)42 (26–55)41 (27–55)0.7941 (27–59)40 (27–60)0.9339 (25–53)33 (23–47)0.18
Female22 (17)27 (85)0.3516 (12)29 (356)0.0334 (36)29 (25)0.50
Caucasian78 (61)80 (252)0.9473 (55)63 (75)0.1483 (87)84 (71)0.31
Blunt trauma86 (67)84 (263)0.73100 (75)100 (119)NA85 (88)86 (72)0.96
TBI50 (39)58 (182)0.2575 (56)71 (84)0.5336 (37)51 (43)0.036
Arterial base deficit (mEq/L)8.8±5.06.0±5.1<0.0016.8±6.54.0±4.90.0077.2±5.84.6±4.2<0.001
PaO2/FiO2 143 (103–190)251 (164–337)<0.001244 (143–380)349 (212–454)0.00372 (38–140)123 (89–153)<0.001
ISS33 (26–38)26 (18–34)<0.00130 (26–43)26 (14–30)<0.00134 (25–41)29 (17–35)0.002
APACHE II27 (22–31)22 (18–27)<0.00116 (12–20)17 (8–23)0.8417 (14–21)13 (11–17)<0.001
Vent days (to 28 days)10 (4–15)4 (2–9)<0.00111 (7–21)3 (2–8)<0.0019 (5–14)4 (3–7)<0.001
Hospital mortality10 (8) 9 (29)0.7836 (27)14 (17)<0.00114 (15)5 (4)0.03
Ang-2 (pg/mL)5880 (4429–7724)4007 (2763–5816)<0.0016812 (4323–12223)4393 (3093–6378)<0.0018681 (5724–14044)5697 (3784–8521)<0.001
RAGE (pg/mL)1886 (956–3298)944 (646–1523)<0.0011184 (847–2068)912 (588–1348)<0.0012505 (1779–5081)1415 (1024–2022)<0.001
  • Data as mean±SD, median (IQR) or percentage (number).

  • ACIT, Activation of Coagulation and Inflammation in Trauma; Ang-2, angiopoietin-2; APACHE II, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II; FiO2, fractional inspired oxygen; ISS, injury severity score; ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; NA, not available; PaO2, arterial oxygen tension (or pressure); RAGE, receptor for advanced glycation endproducts; TBI, traumatic brain injury, defined as AIS head ≥3; VALID, Validating Acute Lung Injury biomarkers for Diagnosis.