Table 2

Biochemical variables in the various groups at the various time points evaluated in the various groups at the various time points evaluated

Na (mEq/L)
K (mEq/L)
Cl (mEq/L)
Mg (mg/dL)
P (mg/dL)
Urea (mg/dL)
UNaV (mEq/period)
UKV (mEq/period)
UClV (mEq/period)
UMgV (mg/period)
UPV (mg/period)
UureaV (mg/period)
Uosm (mOsm/kg)
  • Values are mean±SE.

  • ap<0.05 vs sham; bp<0.01 vs sham; cp<0.001 vs sham; dp<0.05 vs shock-only; ep<0.01 vs shock-only; fp<0.001 vs shock-only; gp<0.05 vs shock+LRS; hp<0.01 vs shock+LR; ip<0.001 vs shock+LRS.

  • Sham, anesthetized but not subjected to hemorrhagic shock; Shock+LRS, subjected to hemorrhagic shock and subsequently treated with LRS at a volume equal to three times that of the blood removed; Shock+Terli, subjected to hemorrhagic shock and subsequently treated with a 2 mg bolus of terlipressin; Shock30, 30 min after achieving the target MAP (immediately prior to treatment); Shock-only, subjected to hemorrhagic shock and left untreated; T120, 120 min after treatment; T30, 30 min after treatment; T60, 60 min after treatment; UClV, urinary excretion of chloride; UKV, urinary excretion of potassium; UMgV, urinary excretion of magnesium; UNaV, urinary excretion of sodium; Uosm, urine osmolality; UureaV, urinary excretion of urea.