Unique challenges
Although tremendous progress has been made, unique challenges remain, particularly for young surgeons entering our field. Striking a successful balance between the responsibilities of work and home and navigating the academic promotion ladder remain challenges for all young surgeons, regardless of gender. These can be further exacerbated by micro-aggressions and occasionally macro-aggressions in the work environment. During her 2017 presidential address, Dr Greenberg encouraged the audience to ‘redirect the conversation,’ about challenges facing female surgeons citing salary disparities and lack of advancement in surgery as the two most pressing issues facing female surgeons in the USA today. She cited the Medscape General Surgery Compensation report that reflected an $83 000 pay gap between male and female surgeons. In addition to this, female surgeons struggle to advance academically—there is an 18 percentage point difference in the likelihood of being a full professor between men and women. Only 15% of women hold the position of surgical chair in the USA and 16% hold the position of medical school dean. Women are hired at lower salaries despite equal qualifications and leave academic medicine at a higher rate than men.1
These issues were reiterated by Dr Bulger and Dr Fox as they shared personal and general experiences of female trauma surgeons in the USA. Although both prepared their presentations independently for the WTC, they relied heavily on Dr Greenberg’s assessment of the current state of women in surgery and cited it frequently. Both acknowledged the challenges that exist for young surgeons entering the field in terms of work–life integration and achieving academic promotion. They described an often-unspoken truth specifically related to women who strive to advance in the workplace. In her groundbreaking book ‘Why So Slow? The Advancement of Women,’ Virginia Valian showed that lower status and salaries are assigned to women who: engage in self-promotion, have task-oriented speaking styles, have an authoritative leadership style, administer discipline, and initiate salary negotiations.12 This represents a paradox as these qualities may be necessary to advance into leadership positions in surgery but are perceived negatively when displayed by women.
Dr Ito viewed the USA as a successful model for female trauma surgeons compared with her own experience. In contrast to Japan, it was evident to her that in the USA, women seem to be more active in ACS than in other subspecialties. She perceived the biggest challenge in her career as the lack of female leaders and role models in ACS. Dr Ito hypothesized that subspecialties with a low percentage of women in leadership positions are less likely to attract female medical students and may have difficulty securing a workforce in the future. She thinks that because ACS services are promoting gender equality among surgeons and improving the quality of life of surgeons in the USA, the focus should be gender equality in the field of ACS in Japan so that more women can choose ACS as their subspecialty.
Dr Schroll cited challenges in the following areas: discrimination, bullying and harassment, the gender pay gap and implicit bias. Dr Schroll discussed that in 2015, the RACS set out to build a culture of respect in surgery. One of the ways they began was to conduct a survey regarding the prevalence of bullying, discrimination and harassment in Australia and NZ. They found that women experienced all of these behaviors significantly more often than men.13 When the respondents who said they experienced these behaviors were asked to further specify the type, results showed that the more overt things such as being denied a promotion, operating lists, or training opportunities were less common, though still 20% to nearly 40%.4 The overwhelmingly most common type of discrimination was hurtful and humiliating comments made about or towards women. In her personal experience, these types of discrimination are often dismissed as ‘no big deal’ saying the recipient of the behavior is ‘too sensitive’ and needs to ‘toughen up.’ This can be particularly frustrating when it comes from people who are supposed to be professional colleagues; it erodes trust and respect. Discrimination along with micro-aggressions and gender bias all contribute to a challenging workplace for women and have no place in a professional setting. Dr Schroll was encouraged that RACS has taken these issues seriously and has developed and is implementing an action plan to address these and other issues to achieve cultural change across Australia and NZ.
In terms of the wage gap, one somewhat unusual quality of the medical profession in NZ compared with other countries is that the physician workforce is highly unionized, and the minimum salary levels for specialists working in the public sector have been negotiated and are proscribed in a clearly delineated stepwise progression based on years of experience (up to a point). Theoretically, this should help to eliminate the gender wage gap. However, a recent survey of medical specialists employed in the public workforce found that women earned 11% less than men, regardless of their age, specialty, number of hours worked, or employer.14 The authors attempted to adjust for a number of personal characteristics which are often asserted as potential confounding variables for these types of studies, as well as attempted to adjust for possible differences in experience not explained by age alone. They found the difference remained at least 8%. Although this is somewhat less than the pay gap identified in many other countries, and less than the pay gap for non-medical professionals in NZ, it is obviously still inequitable and should be rectified.
Dr Schroll poignantly described her most personal challenge as a female trauma surgeon—the implicit bias that she is not the type of person expected to be the surgeon. She is initially assumed by many people to be a nurse or medical professional other than a doctor. There are issues with other female professionals (non-physicians) treating female surgeons differently than male colleagues. This requires a need to engage in status-levelling behaviors to improve the working relationship. Dr Scroll felt that these micro-aggressions may seem less important to those who have not experienced them. Collectively, however, they add to the proverbial ‘1001 cuts’ of emotional and mental frustration that are an additional burden for female surgeons. Furthermore, the impact of this implicit bias on clinical care was well described by Katrina Hutchinson in the British Medical Journal in 2020. Implicit bias compromises clinical credibility, makes it more difficult to establish trust with patients and hinders the ability to establish appropriate authority with colleagues.15
Dr Quiodettis from Panama shared unique aspects of her personal journey as a trauma surgeon in South America. She made the decision to pursue fellowship training in the USA after residency and then returned home to practice. She recalled that during her residency in Panama, she encountered the challenges of being a female surgeon in a field devoid of role models or mentoring programs. Dr Quiodettis stated, “there was no room for mistakes, and I had to navigate the male-dominated landscape with determination and resilience.” She relied on words of encouragement from mentors and colleagues such as Dr Antonio Marttos. ‘His trust that I could—and would—succeed ignited a newfound determination to overcome any obstacle in my path. Beyond the invaluable surgical experiences and knowledge gained during my fellowship, I formed lifelong connections and friendships that continue to enrich my life.’ After returning to Panama, she became the head of the Trauma Unit at Hospital Santo Tomás (HST). This leadership position required administrative skills that she tackled in small steps starting with the creation of a trauma registry at the institution. She reached out to renowned experts in trauma care like Dr Rao Ivatury. This connection led to a pivotal moment when HST joined the Pan-American Trauma Society registry.
Dr Quiodettis found transformative opportunities in partnering with the Pan-American Trauma Society as they worked to build a robust trauma center in Panama. The journey was marked by teamwork, protocol development, and a commitment to changing the culture of trauma patient care at HST. On a personal note, she recalled that, ‘being a woman surgeon in a male-dominated field brought its own set of challenges. I constantly battled self-doubt, striving to believe in my abilities and decision-making skills. Balancing my roles as a spouse, mother, daughter, and professional required ongoing effort, but I remained dedicated to achieving harmony in all aspects of my life.’