There are few major single-center studies describing the characteristics of patients with traumatic kidney injury in a pediatric population.11 The present study is a comprehensive analysis of 115 cases with renal injury in a cohort of 4230 pediatric trauma patients admitted to OUH-U. The study demonstrates that NOM can be safely performed in more than 90% of even high-grade pediatric renal injuries (table 2).
MOI was blunt in almost all cases, typically secondary to traffic-related incidents, falls or sports-related incidents. This is in accordance with most published studies.2 3 20 21 The number of traffic-related injuries increased with age. This pattern is supported by the results presented by Nakao et al in a nationwide cohort study from Japan including 435 children with renal trauma.20 Moreover, they found that patients aged 15 years and above were exposed to high-energy MOI, had a higher ISS, more concomitant injuries, and suffered less damage to the kidneys than younger teenagers and children in agreement with our observations (table 4). Nakao et al also suggested that young teenagers and children more often suffer isolated renal injury from a direct blow to the back or flank from relatively lower energy MOI, as observed in our study. Dangle et al reached a similar conclusion in their cohort study with 228 patients reviewing MOI and management of pediatric blunt trauma.4
In the oldest age group, concomitant extra-abdominal injuries were more frequent and are likely attributed to the aforementioned higher proportion of traffic-related MOI, especially two-wheeled motor vehicles (table 4). This is in accordance with the findings in a retrospective study of 386 childhood traffic incidents from Finland.22 The authors found that the risk of traffic incidents and resulting injuries increased dramatically when the child reached the legal age of acquiring a driving license for moped underlining the need for specific prevention programs to improve child safety. Nakao et al underscored the importance of targeted sports injury prevention programs especially in teenagers to reduce renal injuries.20 Such programs should be based on local needs, for example, in our region in addition to continuous focus on traffic injury prevention, an area of interest should be on the use of torso protectors to reduce the number of renal injuries secondary to winter sports incidents.
Management of pediatric renal trauma has shifted during the last three decades in favor of NOM.1 11 23 Although randomized trials do not exist and would likely not be feasible in the trauma setting, NOM for low-grade (OIS 1–3) renal injuries is well accepted and used with increasing frequency also in high-grade injuries (OIS 4–5).23 However, failure to respond to resuscitation, which manifests in persistent hemodynamic instability, remains an absolute indication for OM.24 In patients with high-grade renal injuries suitable for NOM a success rate of 80% and above is reported.3 11 21 25 In our study, more than 90% of the patients even with high-grade injuries were selected for NOM, with only one failure. In that patient, angioembolization failed to achieve bleeding control, and a nephrectomy was performed.
There is an increased risk of nephrectomy in patients with a higher ISS, attributed to concomitant injuries that require a surgical intervention.2 26 In two of our patients, a devascularized kidney was removed during laparotomy for primarily non-renal indication. A nephrectomy rate of 3.5% (4/115) is of the same magnitude as reported in the national data bank studies from the USA and Japan.2 20 For the sake of clarity, we chose to report the nephrectomy performed 2 months after injury in a patient who was diagnosed with a Wilms tumor after blunt trauma with no indication for immediate surgery. Patients with pre-existing renal lesions like tumors or ureteropelvic junction obstruction are often diagnosed after low-impact injury.3
Pediatric renal trauma does not typically occur in isolation.2 20 21 27 This is reflected in our trauma population, the group of patients with renal injury was more severely injured, more often underwent transfusion, had longer ICU and hospital LOS, and had higher mortality compared with patients without renal injury (table 1). None of the deaths were attributed to renal injury, the overall mortality was 6.1% and fell to 1.2% in P2 (table 3). Moreover, the average annual number of pediatric renal injuries more than doubled from P1 to P2 accompanied by an increase in renal injury severity which is likely an effect of the maturation of the trauma system with adherence to triage and transfer criteria implemented in 2010 as described in a previous publication from our institution.17
Isolated blunt renal trauma is rarer and often presumed to represent a minor injury leading potentially to less timely evaluation as suggested by Ghani et al.1 They found that this group of patients had a higher risk of urine leaks and suspected that these injuries result from greater focal energy transfer (eg, sports-related injury) than multisystem scenarios in which the energy transfer is more diffuse (eg, motor vehicle crash). These speculations are supported by our observations that isolated renal injury was more common in high-grade compared with low-grade injury (table 5).
Urine leak is reported in 11–12% of children with renal trauma and is clearly associated with high-grade injuries.1 5 To diagnose urine leaks in a timely fashion, routine on-arrival delayed CT in children with grade 3 injury and above has been recommended.1 Such a strategy will reduce the need for repeat imaging and excess radiation.5 Although many of these urine leaks heal spontaneously, kidney interventions and procedures are more common in this category of patients compared with those without leaks.1 Minimal interventions (eg, cystoscopy with ureteral stent placement or percutaneous nephrostomy) are successful in most of such cases.1 5 In our series, six patients underwent ureteral stent placement, as definitive treatment, due to symptomatic urine leaks (table 3).
Angiographic embolization is another minimally invasive procedure recommended as an adjunct to NOM in hemodynamically stable pediatric patients with renal trauma for ongoing or delayed bleeding.11 23 In our series, six patients with high-grade injuries underwent angiographic embolization of which one failed and had a nephrectomy on day 2 after injury (table 3).
Visible hematuria at admission was seen in less than half of the children in our series (table 5), and even in patients with high-grade injuries gross hematuria was absent in nearly a quarter of the patients (table 5). Lack of hematuria in a significant number of children with renal injury is reported in a number of studies.1 3 28 This underlines the importance of further assessment in all cases where there is clinical suspicion of significant renal injury. In our institution, CT is performed in the ED in children in all pediatric cases where significant abdominal injury is likely based on MOI, clinical findings (eg, compromised physiology, abdominal tenderness, contusion marks, gross hematuria) and/or a positive focused assessment with sonography in trauma examination.3 Microscopic hematuria alone is not an indication for CT scan. If a significant renal injury is detected (grade ≥3), a second sequence is performed approximately 5 minutes later to assess for urinary leakage. Gross hematuria has been used to guide the length of bed rest and time of discharge.25 However, there is minimal evidence to support routine ICU care or strict bed rest in children with renal injury.11 25 Time to ambulate should be directed by pain from the retroperitoneal hematoma or concomitant injuries regardless of whether gross hematuria is present.25 This is in accordance with our treatment strategy which resulted in a median hospital LOS of 5 days which is comparable to other large series.1 2 Repeat CT imaging before discharge or at later follow-up should not be routinely performed in the absence of signs or symptoms of concern to avoid exposing these children to unnecessary radiation.11 29 30
Post-traumatic hypertension has been reported as a feared complication of renal trauma, with an estimated incidence of 4.2%.23 Moreover, there has been concern that NOM may increase the risk of this adverse outcome, but based on their literature review, LeeVan et al did not find strong support for such a theory.11 However, routine monitoring for hypertension on follow-up for at least 1 year is recommended.3 5 23 Post-traumatic hypertension was identified in 4.3% (2 of 47) of the patients who had follow-ups in our institution (table 2).
Our study has several other limitations including those due to a relatively small sample size and its retrospective design, we collected information captured within the medical records and are subject to biases inherent to database review.