As evidenced by recent publications linking patient-specific factors to improved survival, REBOA patient selection is crucial.9 10 Despite a decade of controversy and much discussion around optimal patient selection for REBOA deployment in trauma, this systematic review of recent patient selection algorithms in the published literature and in our seven-institution partial REBOA collaborative reveals a relative consensus on which patients are most likely to benefit from REBOA deployment: blunt and penetrating trauma patients with hypotension not responsive to resuscitation. Algorithms diverge on precise SBP triggers for early CFA access and REBOA deployment, as well as the use of REBOA for traumatic arrest and chest or extremity hemorrhage control.
Eight of the 16 published and institutional algorithms summarized in this systematic review stipulate a specific SBP threshold of <90 mm Hg for REBOA use, whereas two algorithms use SBP <80 mm Hg and six algorithms do not specify an SBP threshold. Taken together, these identify a relative consensus with an SBP of less than 80 to 90 mm Hg as a guideline in this patient population. This threshold has remained remarkably constant, as it was first proposed in 2015, prior to the development of trauma-specific REBOA devices and when REBOA for trauma was largely practiced at only a handful of institutions.3 As devices have evolved and the use of REBOA has become more widespread, this threshold has stood the test of time and experience. The clinical significance of SBP <90 mm Hg has been repeatedly confirmed as blood pressures below this threshold are associated with nearly 50% mortality in trauma patients who undergo laparotomy and 32% mortality in patients with pelvic fractures.18 19 There is also broad consensus across the algorithms that patients without an appropriate hemodynamic response to initial resuscitation should be considered for REBOA. Although not explicitly spelled out in the included algorithms, this authorship group thinks that persistent or recurrent hypotension after 1 to 2 units of blood product resuscitation is an appropriate patient selection metric to trigger REBOA deployment in many practice settings.
The algorithms identified in this analysis are remarkably consistent despite divergent situations with variation in available resources. Some differences were noted, which is to be expected when comparing guidelines intended for use in military and civilian settings and across multiple institutions. Among the guidelines we examined, we found those developed for broader use were less specific in their selection criteria. For example, the recently published Western Trauma Association (WTA) guidelines lack a recommendation regarding SBP thresholds for patient selection.20 As the authors note, this more general guideline should be tailored to the specific capabilities and needs of each trauma program.
The algorithms diverge in the exact phrasing regarding chest trauma as a contraindication to REBOA, but 10 (63%) cited major chest trauma as a contraindication, whereas 2 (13%) cited chest trauma as a criterion for REBOA patient selection. Many algorithms do not specifically comment on the specific method of identifying major chest trauma, thoracic vascular trauma, or major bleeding proximal to the left subclavian artery prior to a patient selection for REBOA, but presumably a combination of physical examination, extended Focused Assessment with Sonography for Trauma (eFAST), and portable chest radiograph is the most common and expedient diagnostic approach. The risk of REBOA deployment in the context of major chest trauma is not well quantified due to a paucity of high-quality data, a common theme and challenge in developing criteria for REBOA patient selection.17 Broad-based guidelines such as those developed by the US military and WTA appear to be customizable for individual facilities to enable early CFA access and proactive, successful REBOA deployment in each unique practice setting, balancing the need for emergency hemorrhage control and resuscitation with definitive surgical care. Further research may identify how best to customize patient selection for each practice setting, including those in a variety of military and civilian settings.
Optimizing patient selection for initial CFA access is also critical. The rate-limiting step to REBOA deployment has been shown to be initial CFA access rather than upsizing to the REBOA sheath or deploying the REBOA itself.21 In unpublished data collected by the seven-center pREBOA-PRO collaborative, a minority (20%) of patients who undergo early CFA access progress to REBOA. Further identifying which patients benefit most from early CFA access is ripe for future study, as are safety outcomes for the larger pool of patients undergoing CFA access without REBOA placement.
The use of REBOA and/or resuscitative thoracotomy after traumatic cardiac arrest as a means to achieve aortic occlusion is an area of active debate.22 Half of the algorithms reviewed specifically cited traumatic arrest as a possible criterion for REBOA patient selection, whereas one algorithm (Vanderbilt) mandates a pulse to proceed down the REBOA pathway. Other areas of divergence among REBOA patient selection guidelines may represent knowledge gaps or areas for future study, including how best to rule out major chest trauma, intraoperative REBOA deployment, the possible utility of higher SBP triggers in resource-limited environments, and REBOA patient selection in the context of TBI.
Interestingly, no algorithm specifically listed TBI as a contraindication to REBOA. Future directions may also include investigating the utility of incorporating Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) score into REBOA patient selection decision-making, as a recent Aortic Occlusion for Resuscitation in Trauma and Acute Care Surgery (AORTA) registry study reported that GCS score ≥9 and SBP <90 were useful predictors of success of aortic occlusion.23 Alternatively, in the context of a poor GCS score due to penetrating TBI, REBOA may be used as a less invasive means of aortic occlusion for the purpose of defining survivability for organ donation.
The primary limitation of our study is our use of a convenience sample of the seven level 1 trauma centers in North America involved in partial REBOA rollout rather than a broad survey of all institutions currently using REBOA for traumatic hemorrhage. We recognize that this selection likely led to the exclusion of more varied approaches to patient selection for early CFA access and REBOA deployment and an underestimate of the variability of patient selection algorithms currently in practice, possibly overemphasizing the practice patterns at a select number of high-volume academic North American trauma centers. These patient selection algorithms may not be transferable to prehospital, military, or lower-resourced settings, where different triggers exist for REBOA or CFA access. An additional limitation of our study is our inability to perform a rigorous quality assessment of the included studies. Finally, we included both REBOA and partial REBOA patient selection algorithms for consideration together. As we gather more data on how partial REBOA is best used, these patient selection algorithms may eventually diverge.