In this study, we describe the contemporary management and longer-term outcomes of patients suffering BAI in Ontario, Canada. We found that patients were managed with a number of different treatment approaches, but that medical management (58.8%) or TEVAR (24.6%) was the most common. Regardless of the initial management strategy, patients with BAI had a favorable longer-term prognosis, with 81.5% of patients surviving to maximum follow-up, and only 2.6% of patients requiring aortic reintervention. Rates of delayed aorta-related mortality, endoleaks, strokes, and other delayed complications were exceedingly uncommon, providing reassurance that contemporary BAI management strategies are benefiting patients well beyond their survival to hospital discharge. Given the observational nature of our data, we cannot be certain that all patients with a particular grade of aortic injury would do similarly well with any of the treatment approaches. We can, however, be confident that within our trauma system, surgeons are exercising sound clinical judgment in selecting individual treatment approaches for their patients, as evidenced by the favorable outcomes we have observed.
Our study adds to several smaller studies in providing evidence that TEVAR remains safe and effective in the immediate years after aortic injury. For instance, Farber et al25 reported 5-year outcomes for 101 patients treated with one of two TEVAR devices. Although limited by a loss to follow-up rate of 41%, they reported a 9.1% rate of death and only two minor endoleaks during the follow-up period.25 Prendes et al26 followed 46 TEVAR patients for a median duration of 34 months, reporting a 93.3% survival rate and a 2.1% rate of late interventions. However, this study was also limited by a loss to follow-up rate of 43.2%.26
An additional German study that included 19 TEVAR-treated patients reported a 5% rate of aortic reintervention by 5 years but a persistently impaired quality of life, thought to be related to concomitant orthopedic and neurologic injuries.12 Finally, Cheng et al15 reported on the outcomes of 287 TEVAR patients in Taiwan, using a retrospective population-based cohort design.15 Similar to our study, these authors reported a survival advantage to TEVAR (compared with open surgical repair) at both 1 year and 5 years post-repair and low rates of intervention (2%) during follow-up. This study included a smaller sample size than the present study and did not report outcomes for patients treated with medical or hybrid treatment options.
Overall, it seems that the mortality benefit seen with TEVAR, particularly in comparison with open surgical repair, is related to the overall lower rates of perioperative (30-day) mortality, stroke, and paraplegia27 28 seen during the index admission and that patients who survive this tenuous period of acute care can look forward to a highly favorable prognosis, at least in the first several years after injury.
A particular challenge in studying the longer-term course of endovascular interventions like TEVAR relates to high rates of lost to follow-up, particularly in young and otherwise healthy patients. The issue compounds over time as patients’ overall health continues to improve and they become increasingly less inclined to return for follow-up visits and surveillance imaging.25 26 As noted in several studies above, loss to follow-up rates of 30%–40% are not uncommon in this patient population, and some studies have reported that 37.6% of TEVAR-treated patients do not return for stent surveillance imaging.29 It is this loss to follow-up issue that population-based studies like ours are uniquely positioned to address. Our study presents complete outcome data (no loss to follow-up) for a very large population of patients with BAI, thereby providing robust information on the longer-term prognosis of patients receiving TEVAR versus comparator treatment approaches.
In addition to the large sample size and completeness of follow-up, other strengths of our study are the inclusion of patients receiving all the different management strategies for BAI (medical/impulse control, hybrid, open surgical repair), a population that is representative of the entire province of Ontario (11 different treating trauma centers), and the quantification of other important secondary outcomes including aorta-related mortality, endoleaks, stroke, spinal ischemia, and renal failure requiring dialysis, which were all very low.
There are several limitations associated with our study design. First, aortic injury severity was based on AIS codes used in the provincial trauma registry. There is always the possibility of data coding errors resulting in misclassification of aortic injury severity but that would be unlikely to affect the overall findings of the study, particularly as other similar studies have not even included aortic injury severity in their regression models.30 We also had to translate the AIS grades into SVS aortic injury grades using previously described methods and misclassifications of injury grade are possible.
Another limitation is in our definition of ‘medical management’ of an aortic injury. We considered patients as having received this treatment approach if there were no codes to indicate that they had a TEVAR or surgical intervention, however, data coding errors remain possible. Similarly, the included databases do not provide detailed information on the specific treatments a patient being treated with ‘impulse control’ would have received (ie, a particular beta-blocker medication, target heart rate or blood pressure target, duration of therapy, etc) and there was no standardization of medical treatments across trauma centers during the period of study. It is possible that some patients in the ‘medical management’ group would have been eligible for an alternative aortic repair strategy (eg, TEVAR), but did not survive long enough to receive it. We attempted to address this by excluding patients who did not receive TEVAR or open repair and who died within the first 24 hours of admission, but residual confounding could still exist.
Also, in terms of our estimate of aorta-specific mortality (deaths from aortic rupture or complication), it is possible that some patients were misclassified in their cause of death, given that the confirmed autopsy rate was only 3.8% for the entire cohort. This low autopsy rate is partly explained by the inclusion of in-hospital deaths, for which a very lower autopsy rate would generally be expected since essentially all patients would have already had advanced imaging (to confirm they had an aortic injury) and that would have already documented their additional injuries. In this scenario, the cause of death would likely be more clinically apparent (eg, severe traumatic brain injury), and make it much less likely the investigating coroner would request an autopsy to confirm the cause of death.