Cricothyrotomies are one of the most infrequently performed procedures, yet they have one of the highest potentials to resuscitate a patient when all other attempts have failed. The availability of real clinical training for this procedure is rare due to early detection of a compromised airway. In a level 1 trauma center of 2741 trauma admissions (between April 2010 and February 2012), only four cricothyrotomies were performed among them for an incidence rate of 0.15%.32 While this is excellent for patient care, it creates a challenging situation to appropriately train physicians for a situation in which they have to perform a cricothyrotomy. Therefore, simulation-based training is critical for learning and maintaining emergency airway management skills including CCT.33–35
Manikin-based training (SimMan (Laerdal), TraumaMan (Simulab), etc) needs replacement of the skin after one or two attempts and cannot reproduce difficult airway situations. Cadavers can be useful for training in CCT as they can naturally present differences in anatomy unlike a manikin; however, they can be very expensive. It has been shown that cadaver-based training is superior in fidelity to training on manikins.12 Moreover, all of these simulators also require a proctor to record data and score the performance.
The VAST-CCT simulator does not need replenishment of materials nor a proctor to time and score the performance as it is done automatically by the computer program. In our study, we established that the VAST-CCT can be effectively used to train the necessary skills to successfully perform the CCT procedure. Of the 20 medical students, the subjects randomized into the simulation group showed a significant decrease in completion time between pretest and post-test compared with the control group. Similarly, their scores also increased considerably between pretest and post-test indicating gain in proficiency. The control group scores were higher than the simulation group at the pretest because we conducted the baseline assessment after randomization and, coincidentally, the median performance score was higher than the simulation group at the pretest. At both post-test and retention test, the control group’s performance decreased, indicating no significant learning of the CCT skills. These results are in line with expected gain in skill and proficiency through longitudinal training of novice subjects using a virtual reality simulator that has been observed in simulators developed to teach basic laparoscopic surgical tasks.17 18 In our study, by training the simulation group using a proficiency benchmark, the total number of trials that need to achieve proficiency in this task was reduced as opposed to a fixed number of trials (eg, 10 trials per day to a total of 100 trials).
The CUSUM analysis showed that the individual learning rate and the number of trials to reach proficiency varied significantly with one subject (MS24) which started to perform consistently above the proficiency criteria by the ninth trial as opposed to two subjects (MS8 and MS9) who took 67 trials to reach the consistency at the proficiency level in their performance. Since we trained the simulation group for only 10 sessions during 2 weeks, it is not possible to say whether these two subjects’ performance continued this trend of consistent performance; nevertheless, within 2 weeks, all subjects performed at the set proficiency level.
To test the transfer of skills, we decided to use the TraumaMan (Simulab) as the standardized platform due to medical students not yet qualified to operate on a real patient and the convenience of providing similar anatomy and conditions for all the subjects as opposed to a cadaver or benchtop models. We replaced the neck, skin, and the cricothyroid membrane for each subject, which enabled us to measure the performance metrics for each subject. The simulation group’s performance from the computed metrics was significantly higher than the control group for skin cut, intubation, and the total score, clearly demonstrating their proficiency in performing the CCT procedure. We speculate the reason there was no difference in landmark identification and membrane cut score was because the TraumaMan had prominent thyroid and cricoid cartilages that were not very difficult to identify and both groups had difficulty cutting the membrane as it was attached to the manikin using two sticky pads, which did not provide sufficient tension for cutting. Moreover, completion time between groups did not show significant results. We think it is due to the difficulty both groups faced with cutting the skin as well as familiarization with the manikin.
We also assessed the performance using subjective ratings by two experts from the recorded videos. Our assessment tool showed excellent consistency and inter-rater reliability; however, the Likert scale assessment items were not useful in differentiating performance between the two groups. Since the transfer test was done at the end after the retention test, even the control group subjects had the opportunity to perform the task thrice on the simulator to understand the steps. Additionally, with the standard medical student training, they had baseline knowledge on how to use a scalpel and dilators. It underscores the need for development of assessment tools specific to CCT. Our task-specific checklist items did show difference in performance between the groups for making the incision along the cricothyroid membrane and dilation of the incision. These are important steps that the simulation group had practiced several times and it was not surprising that the simulation group’s performance was superior. Due to the limitation of the manikin, as well as the necessity to score from recorded videos, other checklist items did not show significant results. As part of our future work, we will investigate on developing proper assessment tools for scoring the performance on the manikin that can then be used for simulation using cadavers or benchtop models.
In conclusion, our results demonstrate that the subjects in the simulation group had significant improvements in performance compared with the control group. Our results are due to both the efficacy of the VAST-CCT simulation trainer as well as the longitudinal training that subjects received. Others have had success with developing comparable models to today’s training standard and have shown to perform similarly with no clear statistical difference between the groups.10 We think that the VAST-CCT will be a useful tool for teaching CCT to a novice trainee as well as a platform to maintain skills for experienced practitioners. A further study on subjects trained on the simulator and their performance on a real patient is needed to show predictive validity on all aspects of the simulator.