A one-shot left femoral arteriogram (patient cared for before availability of CT arteriography) documented a thrombosis in the left mid-popliteal artery (figure 2).
Figure 2 Blunt thrombosis of the left popliteal artery behind the knee joint.
The patient was typed and crossed for two units of packed red blood cells, received 1 g of cephalosporin antibiotic intravenously, and was moved to the operating room. With the patient in supine position, the left lower extremity was externally rotated, with the knee flexed to 30°. The skin was prepared and draped from the umbilicus to the bilateral toenails, and the left foot was placed in a sterile transparent plastic bag. A 15 cm longitudinal medial popliteal incision was made, starting along the anterior border of the sartorius muscle in the medial distal left thigh, extending posteriorly to the posterior knee joint, and completed approximately 1 cm behind the posterior border of the proximal tibia. Care was taken to avoid the greater saphenous vein in the distal one-third of the incision. The proximal popliteal vessels were exposed by retracting the sartorius and gracilis muscles posteriorly and the vastus medialis anteriorly. As noted in Wind and Valentine,1 the surgeon had to divide the attachment between the adductor magnus tendon from the semimembranosus muscle to visualize the popliteal vessels exiting the adductor hiatus. There was obvious thrombosis of the mid-popliteal artery (figure 3), and the proximal artery and adjacent popliteal vein were encircled with vessel loops. It became obvious that the extent of thrombosis mandated further exposure of the artery behind the knee joint. The tendons of the pes anserinus (sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles) were then divided 1.5 cm from their distal bony attachments. Before each tendon was divided, the proximal and distal ends were marked with a colored suture, using different colors for each tendon. After the non-injured distal popliteal artery and adjacent popliteal vein were encircled with vessel loops, the extent of arterial thrombosis was 6 cm in length. A longitudinal arteriotomy 4 cm in length was made in the medial aspect of the area of thrombosis. Fogarty balloon catheters #4 and #5 were passed proximally via partial loosening of the vessel loop, and no clot was removed from the superficial femoral artery. After removal of the #5 Fogarty balloon catheter, 20 mL of a solution of 50 units of unfractionated heparin/mL of saline was injected proximally, and the proximal popliteal artery was reclamped. In a similar fashion, #3 and then #4 Fogarty balloon catheters were passed into the distal popliteal artery and beyond. Recognizing that the distal passage of the catheter goes into the peroneal artery nearly 90% of the time, the calf was gently massaged after the catheter was removed to encourage evacuation of any thrombus in the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. Once again, 20 mL of heparinized saline was injected distally and the distal vascular clamp was reapplied. An intimal disruption 2 cm in length was visualized and recognized as the source of the thrombosis (figure 4). A 4 cm segment of the artery containing the intimal disruption was resected. An end-to-end arterial anastomosis could not be performed because of excessive tension and a desire to save the geniculate collaterals around the knee. Using a reversed autogenous saphenous vein graft excised from the right proximal thigh, the proximal artery-to-graft anastomosis was completed using two continuous 6–0 polypropylene sutures to prevent a purse-string effect on the suture line. The last few polypropylene stitches on the distal anastomosis were left loose, and the proximal vascular clamp was removed for flushing. This clamp was reapplied, and the distal vascular clamp was removed for flushing and to evacuate all air from under the suture line. The two continuous polypropylene sutures were pulled tight, one knot was tied down to seal the anastomosis, and the proximal vascular clamp was removed. There were no major suture line leaks, and five more knots were placed.
Figure 3 Discoloration of area of thrombosis of the left popliteal artery.
Figure 4 Opened left popliteal artery demonstrates intimal tear as source of thrombosis.
Even though arterial pulsations were readily palpable just distal to the interposition graft, pedal pulsations were not as robust. A 20-gauge plastic over metal arterial cannula was then inserted into the very proximal popliteal artery approximately 3 cm above the proximal anastomosis. A completion arteriogram (figure 5) documented multiple vascular clamp marks (large hollow arrows), patent anastomoses, and flow into the anterior tibial artery and tibioperoneal trunk (small hollow arrows). At this point pedal pulses were readily palpable. The tendons of the sartorius, gracilis, and semitendinosus muscles were reapproximated with permanent horizontal mattress sutures, and the medial popliteal incision was closed in layers. A left knee immobilizer was then placed on the patient.
Figure 5 Post-repair arteriogram documents multiple vascular clamp marks (large hollow arrows), patent anastomoses (black arrows), and flow into the anterior tibial artery and tibioperoneal trunk (small hollow arrows).
The patient was placed on oral aspirin 81 mg orally every 12 hours in the evening after the operation. At the time of discharge 3 days later, the patient was instructed to start a gentle daily walking program with the knee immobilizer in place for 1 month. In addition, she was referred for physical therapy on the left knee joint to start in 1 month, and advised to cease smoking and continue the oral baby aspirin dosage as described above for 3 months.